you look cute af %%%[emoticon kissy||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/kissy/]%%%
%%%[emoticon 25pollona||102|23|/emoticon_report_abuse/25pollona/]%%%
My fingers under your sexy t-shirt mm
I'm you favorite toy for you
Very warm in every minute for you and I'm
Is there a tip I could give you that would make you want to put your brush in your vagina
Do you ever put your brushes in your vagina?
My daughters name is Julia she is 18 too. You are identical, twins almost so sexy. She has a tiny little slit vagina and I’ve had her go through laser hair removal so she’s nice and smooth. Are you both sweetheart
You look so much like my daughter, so sexy got me so hard. I’ve been trying to convince her to do this you’re like twins.
にゃあ is right %%%[emoticon yes||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/yes/]%%%