You remind me of Black Widow
Hello! Do you have clover nipple clamp?
|120| /menu (tip menu sent to calm_cat)
/menu (tip menu sent to ptankmester)
/menu (tip menu sent to badass83)
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: calm_cat has RANDOMLY activated Level 4 of my Lovense LUSH by tipping 25 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: --------My Lovense toy has connected.
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: --------My Lovense toy is disconnected. Tips will now be added to the queue until it reconnects.
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |367| :: You were not supposed to stop your exercise.
|10| /menu (tip menu sent to hansolo5287)
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |63| :: have a great evening, i enjoyed it today 😘
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: duke2d has RANDOMLY activated Level 2 of my Lovense DOMI by tipping 25 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 16 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 41 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 15 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 43 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 12 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 28 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
|5| good to hear about margo's groomer /
could be stressful for kitty
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 31 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 12 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 39 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated Level 1 of my Lovense DOMI by tipping 25 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 17 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
Ballgagg in fur coat what youre think?
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 39 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |585| :: /lovers (lovers list sent to midway25)
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 31 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 12 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 13 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
What do you think about ballgagg in fur
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 29 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********dance_4_me has RANDOMLY activated 40 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
/menu (tip menu sent to ozymundias2)
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% :: /menu (tip menu sent to duke2d)
What colour have the fur coat
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********midway25 has RANDOMLY activated 31 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********jawanna1234 has RANDOMLY activated 41 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********midway25 has RANDOMLY activated 43 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********midway25 has RANDOMLY activated 15 seconds of my Lovense Domi2 by tipping 38 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: midway25 has RANDOMLY activated Level 3 of my Lovense DOMI by tipping 25 tokens!
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: midway25 has RANDOMLY activated Level 4 of my Lovense DOMI by tipping 25 tokens!
/menu (tip menu sent to soracux)
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: I have a limit of 15 minutes sir
|25| Private chat 10 minutes interested.
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: @mlclm1 What is the connection between the ability to type quickly and assembling a cat house?
|25| But you can type quick i
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: @steve101241 haha exactly Sir
/menu (tip menu sent to mackee3)
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: @jd_bigd pm 5 tk dear
so the camera doesn't know where to focus
you are not in the center of the camera
hi Margaret, how are you doing?
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |340| :: bye
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |340| :: see you soon
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |340| :: nice lights
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |340| :: got to go sub -have a good stream
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |340| :: you earned it after cleaning my house
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |340| :: that will come later after cleaning
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |340| :: haha
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********steve101241 has RANDOMLY activated Level 2 of my Lovense FERRI by tipping 25 tokens!
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |315| :: my money is yours
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |315| :: you can name your price
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |315| :: can you come over and clean my house ?
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |315| :: 10 ea cheek and count them
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |255| :: yes and position of your lush
%%%[emoticon crowngif282||20|20|/emoticon_report_abuse/crowngif282/]%%% :: ********steve101241 has RANDOMLY activated Level 4 of my Lovense FERRI by tipping 25 tokens!
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |230| :: I like it dont change
%%%[emoticon dbfc26||38|26|/emoticon_report_abuse/dbfc26/]%%% |230| :: 10 ea cheek sub
|103| i did to see what under that jumper hehe