%%%[emoticon dicklicking_101|https://static-pub.highwebmedia.com/uploads/avatar/2015/01/21/14/14/45f2820d608cfaa8d997f89cfd945ad6c08a7d47.jpg|200|80|/emoticon_report_abuse/dicklicking_101/]%%%
Mmmmmm mmmmm nice hairy cock
I am a seductress that brings you to the edge of ecstasy with every whispered word and every fiery caress.
tie me to the bed and do what you want love
pinch that tip while i stroke you
love to lick the precum off that hot piss sl it
%%%[emoticon srdsasthc|https://static-pub.highwebmedia.com/uploads/avatar/2016/08/07/14/52/de6f21d10d959f7534e6be8e9ccc22391c9a839c.jpg|250|80|/emoticon_report_abuse/srdsasthc/]%%%
Sexy brother. Bet your birthday is on mother's day every few years