Ughhh… I like your body so much %%%[emoticon inlovebunny||146|80|/emoticon_report_abuse/inlovebunny/]%%%
Feeling on top of me and in control is the hottest thing there is
, %%%[emoticon hellob||135|47|/emoticon_report_abuse/hellob/]%%% %%%[emoticon fuckpussy||152|80||/emoticon_report_abuse/fuckpussy/]%%%
Tu varita tiene el poder de derretirme %%%[emoticon emoti-110||30|25|/emoticon_report_abuse/emoti-110/]%%%
Tienes talento para hacerme sentir vivo y completo %%%[emoticon sensual-lickneck01||156|80|/emoticon_report_abuse/sensual-lickneck01/]%%%
Can I spend the rest of my days with you?
Hi, your intense aura is so captivating, it's really getting me in the mood.
I want you to fuck me from behind next time
Spank me It's the only way I learn